Seattle Supersonics Uniform Design

Big Dub strikes again and has created a concept portfolio for the return of the Seattle Supersonics below is the design with its notes explaining every little detail.




– Overall theme is from the 1985-1994 era which they borrowed from for their 2001 update.
– City Silhouette, solid color logo is a take on a similar version worn during the above period. It’s now a secondary placed at the ‘buckle’ of the short.
– Sonic Ball, logo is an updated version of the 1995-2000 logo.
– The tapered ends to the short stripe creates the Sonic Boom shape when paired with the jersey. The same shape that is featured in the Sonic Ball logo

Big Dub’s Charlotte Hornets Design Portfolio

There were numbers behind the movement for the name change  from Bobcats to Hornets but there was something about Big Dub’s design that gave it a professional touch, made it real and made the skeptics begin to Beelieve!

His designs are what went viral, made it to ESPN and made the rest of the country turn an ear to Charlotte before the Bobcats would even give us the time of day. His designs are now so synonymous with the Hornets that the untrained Hornets Fan’s eyes would believe that at one point or another this was our logo because it is EVERYWHERE.

There are dozens of people who don’t have the old or new Hornets logo tattooed on their body but will forever have Big Dub’s design etched on their flesh because it is so powerful and has taken a life of its own.

This guy has talent. He knows how to build a brand identity and even though he is from New Orleans all of us in Charlotte owe him a huge THANK YOU!